2d flu­id sim­u­la­tion

  • 2D-Fluid-Simulation.jpg
  • 2D-Fluid-Simulation.gif
  • 2D Flu­id Sim­u­la­tion


An APIC (Affine Particle-in-Cell) method-based 2D fluid simulation represents a sophisticated approach to modeling fluid dynamics in a two-dimensional space. The APIC method combines the advantages of Affine transformations and the Particle-in-Cell technique to accurately capture complex fluid behav


ior. By incorporating both particle-based representations and grid-based calculations, this fluid simulation method offers a comprehensive understanding of fluid dynamics, including phenomena such as fluid deformation, mixing, and surface tension effects. Through the integration of APIC, the simulation achieves a high level of fidelity and realism, making it a valuable tool for various applications, from computer graphics to engineering simulations. Image and code Source/Author: https://magnum.graphics/showcase/fluidsimulation2d/


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