B-2 spirit 3d model
B-2 Spirit 3D model is a digital representation of the iconic stealth plane, capturing its sleek, flying-wing design and radar-evading shape. The model can be used in simulations, video games, animations, and engineering projects to visualize the aircraft in detail. This High-quality 3D model can be
rendered for realistic visuals or simplified for educational and entertainment purposes. The B-2’s unique geometry makes it a popular subject for aerospace enthusiasts and digital artists. License: CC Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Original 3d model by Muhamad Mirza Arrafi (https://sketchfab.com/nazidefenseforceofficial)
File Name | To view or download these files please go to the project page |
B-2-Spirit-Plane-3D-Model-FetchCFD-Image-Front-View.jpg |
B-2-Spirit-Plane-3D-Model-FetchCFD-Image-Iso-View.jpg |
B-2-Spirit-Plane-3D-Model-FetchCFD-GLB-File.glb |
B-2-Spirit-Plane-3D-Model-FetchCFD-STL-File.stl |