Bobsleigh cfd simulation


Air flow around Bobsleigh or bobsled is simulated with ANSYS CFX. The transient simulation has been set up with time step size of 0.01 s. As a turbulence model, scale adaptive simulation model has been used. The inlet air speed is set to 35 m/s. ANSYS CFX Def file is included for download. Use it bu


t don't forget to give proper credit (i.e. link to my FetchCFD profile: ). More information will be added later. Original Bobsleigh model by keith (


File Name | To view or download these files please go to the project page
Bobsleigh CFD Simulation Surface Pressure Contour.jpg
Bobsleigh CFD Simulation Surface Pressure Contour Different Views.jpg
Bobsleigh CFD Simulation Surface Velocity Streamlines Pressure Contour Different Views.jpg
Bobsleigh CFD Simulation Velocity Contour.jpg
Bobsleigh CFD Simulation Velocity Streamlines Surface Pressure Contour.jpg