Fluid structure interaction (fsi) simulation

  • Fluid-Structure-Interaction-Simulation-Airplane-ANSYS-Workbench-Total-Deformation-FetchCFD-Image.jpg
  • Fluid-Structure-Interaction-Simulation-Airplane-ANSYS-Workbench-Velocity-Streamlines-FetchCFD-Image.jpg
  • Fluid-Structure-Interaction-Simulation-Airplane-ANSYS-Workbench-Workflow-FetchCFD-Image.JPG
  • Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) Simulation


Fluid-structure interactions or FSI is an interdisciplinary field which deals with the interactions of an internal or external fluid flow with some deformable or movable structure. Fluid structure interaction simulation of an aircraft has been performed using ANSYS Workbench. For CFD analysis CFX ha


s been used and then results from CFD simulation (pressure load) has been transfered for structural analysis using ANSYS Mechanical tool in Workbench. Ansys Workbench files are also included for download. To download 3D model of this aircraft check the "Refetch of" below. Aircraft CAD model is fetched from Thomas Frevillier on GrabCAD (https://grabcad.com/library/suborbital-spaceflights-1/details?folder_id=1346518)


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