Indoor air conditioning (hvac) cfd analysis in augmented reality

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  • Indoor Air Conditioning (HVAC) CFD Analysis in Augmented Reality


Indoor Air Conditioning (HVAC) CFD Analysis in Augmented Reality. Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of a commercial HVAC System. 7 min. physical time computed with OpenFOAM. CFD Post-Processing with Paraview, AR Processing in Unity3D and Google ARCore SDK. AR App compiled for Samsung S8+


. The simulation is featured with Temperature ISO-Surfaces, Gliph Vectors and Velocity Cross-Sections


File Name | To view or download these files please go to the project page
Snapshot - 19_JPG.jpg
Snapshot - 12_JPG.jpg
Snapshot - 13_JPG.jpg
Snapshot - 16_JPG.jpg
Snapshot - 15_JPG.jpg
Snapshot - 27_JPG.jpg
Snapshot - 26_JPG.jpg
Snapshot - 25_JPG.jpg