Ahmed's Profile

Software Skills:
Computational Biology:
Anomalous Phenomena:
kingdom Animalia:
Interdisciplinary Sciences:
- Contributions
06/Aug.2020. Ahmed Gad
Simulation of f...
Find the difference of the flow par Find the difference in the resulting thrust force in each case....
06/Aug.2020. Ahmed Gad
Simulation of c...
CFX solver for premixed flows on An 2.4.1 Flamelet Model of combustion: The flamelet concept for non premixed or partially premixed combustion indicates the relationship between chemistry and turbulence in the limit of fast reactions (large Damköhler number). The reacting environment is considered to occur in thin sheets with inner structure called flamelets. The turbulent flame itself is treated as an ensemble case laminated fluid flow to be like laminar flamelets that are implemented into the flow of the combustion field in two separated inlets –one for fuel and the other one for oxidizer. ...
- Education
Cairo University
09/01/2008 - 06/30/2013
Ain Shams University
Master’s Degree
09/16/2019 - Current
- Publications
“Hybrid Rocket Transient Flow and Combustion Analysis”
AIAA Propulsion and Energy Conference 2014
Develop a research paper about “Hybrid Rocket Transient Flow and Combustion Analysis” that joined AIAA Propulsion and Energy Conference 2014 held in CLEVELAND, OH. (Page 44
- Work Experience
Mechanical Design Engineer
02/01/2018 - Current
Explain of aerospace material properties (metals, plastics and analysis of composite materials). Design of (Mechanic
- Connect