James's Profile

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- Contributions
23/Jun.2021. James Crouse
OpenFOAM Tesla ...
In this video I demonstrate how to I hope you enjoy ...
08/Jul.2021. James Crouse
Slender Delta W...
Please watch the linked videos for pt1: https://youtu.be/8mjQps65gpw pt2: https://youtu.be/5XXuviuy4Do =================================== Useful Links --------------------------------------------------------------------- GitHub Repo: https://github.com/Interfluo/Slender-Body-Delta-Wings komegasst link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myv-ityFnS4 turbulent inlet calculator: https://www.fluidmechanics101.com/pages/tools.html openfoam parallel: https://youtu.be/YdYHDMygNPU paper for theoretical calculations: https://github.com/Interfluo/Slender-Body-Delta-Wings/blob/main/papers/A%20CONCEPT%20OF%20THE%20VORTEX%20LIFT%20OF%20SHARP-EDGE%20DELTA%20WINGS%20BASED%20O%20N%20A%20LEADING-EDGE-SUCTION%20ANALOGY.pdf ================================...
23/Jun.2021. James Crouse
OpenFOAM Tesla ...
In this video I demonstrate how to I hope you enjoy ...
08/Jul.2021. James Crouse
OpenFOAM CFD : ...
This video shows the results for a Along with velocity and pressure animations (surfaceLIC) the following plots are presented: 1.) Drag vs Time: Case 1 2.) Lift vs Time: Case 1 3.) Drag vs Time: Case 2 4.) Lift vs Time: Case 2 5.) Drag vs Time 6.) Lift vs Time 7.) Pressure on Surfaces: Case 1 8.) Pressure on Surfaces: Case 2 Files: https://github.com/Interfluo/OpenFOAM-pimpleFOAM-Rectangular_Cylinder...
03/Aug.2021. James Crouse
Canonical Flows...
"A mixing layer develops between tw OpenFOAM case parameters mesh: blockMesh solver: pimpleFoam turbulence model: LES (WALE) Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) is the process of dynamically adapting the accuracy of a solution in certain areas of interest specified via some criteria. The idea of AMR is to get the simulation accuracy of a fine mesh while keeping the computational costs as low as possible. For this simulation I injected dye (or a passive scalar) through one of the inlets, this way I use the interface of the two streams as my refinement criteria. This method work particularly well for this simulation, but it may be necessary to use another criteria, like turbulent viscosity, in other cases. The cases and video presented are for educational purposes and should serve as a launching point in conducting and setting up your investigation. Case Files: https://github.com/Interfluo/OpenFOAM-Cases-Interfluo/tree/main/Canonical-Flows/mixing1 #openfoam #cfd #aerospace # engineering #fluids #paraview #fluiddynamics #computationalfluiddynamics...
30/Jul.2021. James Crouse
Canonical Flows...
In this video I go over some bounda I show you how to compute inflation layer parameters (number of cells, growth ratio, first cell height) from initial conditions (velocity, kinematic viscosity, skin friction coefficient, etc..) and desired y+ (yplus) and provide a python code for this. OpenFOAM case parameters mesh: blockMesh solver: pisoFoam turbulence model: kOmega - GitHub Files: https://github.com/Interfluo/OpenFOAM-Cases-Interfluo/tree/main/Canonical-Flows/boundaryLayer - BlockMesh grading calculator: https://openfoamwiki.net/index.php/Scripts/blockMesh_grading_calculation - Turbulent Inlet properties calculator: https://www.fluidmechanics101.com/pages/tools.html - Inflation Layer Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gSHN99I7L4&t=2s...
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