pooriya's Profile

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25/Sep.2017. pooriya sarmadi
Simulation step...
Hi... let me to explain about my Simulation steps...I put all of my Simulation steps for numerical Analysis an axial fan... Also I put all of Contours... B.C. pressure inlet=10 Pa at inlet, turbulent intensity=5 % Hydraulic diameter=0.064 m at outlet, I use pressure-outlet as B.C. and put 0 pa and turbulent intensity=5 % and Hydraulic diameter=0.064 m I Set the backflow turbulence parameters for the flow outlet (pressure-outlet) to the same values used for pressure-inlet. Is it true? Please check all of my steps for simulation and all of contours and commenting... I am not sure my results of simulation are true or not... I do not know how to show the accuracy and validity of the results. I don't access to the experimental data or a good paper to show the accuracy and validity of the results. please help me...thank you......
25/Sep.2017. pooriya sarmadi
CFD Simulation ...
B.C. pressure inlet=4000 Pa at inlet, turbulent intensity=5 % Turbulent Viscosity Ratio=10 at outlet, I use pressure-outlet and put 0 pa and turbulent intensity=5 % and Turbulent Viscosity Ratio=10 I Set the backflow turbulence parameters for the flow outlet (pressure-outlet) to the same values used for pressure-inlet. I put some Pictures for download that can help you...on of pictures is slution contorols... I hope it is useful for members...thank you......
25/Sep.2017. pooriya sarmadi
Axial fan
Hi...I study and do CFD simulation Why is the output pressure less than the input pressure? pressure inlet=10 Pa at inlet, turbulent intensity=5 % Hydraulic diameter=0.064 m at outlet, I use pressure-outlet and put 0 pa and turbulent intensity=5 % and Hydraulic diameter=0.064 m I Set the backflow turbulence parameters for the flow outlet (pressure-outlet) to the same values used for pressure-inlet....
26/Sep.2017. pooriya sarmadi
Simulation step...
Why is the outlet pressure less tha I Set the backflow turbulence parameters for the flow outlet (pressure-outlet) to the same values used for pressure-inlet....
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