Fluid simulation - Code
NoAI: This project, including models, simulations, images, and descriptions, may not be used within datasets, during the developmental process, or as inputs for generative AI tools.
About the Fluid Simulation Project
WebGL Fluid Simulation is a mesmerizing intersection of art, science, and technology, where virtual particles dance and flow like liquid within a digital canvas. Leveraging the power of WebGL, a JavaScript API for rendering interactive 2D and 3D graphics within any compatible web browser, fluid simulations come to life with stunning realism and interactivity. Whether it's simulating the graceful movements of water, the swirling patterns of smoke, or the dynamic behavior of fire, WebGL Fluid Simulation captivates audiences with its immersive visuals and dynamic nature. Through its fusion of mathematical algorithms, computational physics, and creative expression, it offers a captivating glimpse into the boundless possibilities of digital art and simulation. Fluid Simulation code is attached for download. WebGL fluid simulation code is by PavelDoGreat (https://github.com/PavelDoGreat). This code is available under the MIT license (https://github.com/PavelDoGreat/WebGL-Fluid-Simulation/blob/master/LICENSE). Other references: 1- http://developer.download.nvidia.com/books/HTML/gpugems/gpugems_ch38.html 2- https://github.com/mharrys/fluids-2d 3- https://github.com/haxiomic/GPU-Fluid-Experiments
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