SpaceX-Falcon-9-CFD-Analysis-Pressure-Contour-FetchCFD-Image.JPG size: 0.247888 MB
SpaceX-Falcon-9-CFD-Analysis-Turbulent-Kinetic-Energy-Contour-FetchCFD-Image.JPG size: 0.178128 MB
SpaceX-Falcon-9-CFD-Analysis-Velocity-Contour-FetchCFD-Image.JPG size: 0.171304 MB
SpaceX-Falcon-9-CFD-Analysis-Velocity-Streamlines-FetchCFD-Image.JPG size: 0.315836 MB
SpaceX-Falcon-9-CFD-Analysis-Wall-Shear-Surface-Contour-FetchCFD-Image.JPG size: 0.245429 MB
SpaceX-Falcon-9-CFD-Analysis-Velocity-Surface-Streamlines-FetchCFD-Image.JPG size: 0.299448 MB
SpaceX-Falcon-9-Real-Vs-CFD-Analysis-FetchCFD-Image.jpg size: 0.141868 MB
CFD-Modeling-SpaceX-Falcon-9-Fluent-Case-FetchCFD-File-Coarse-Mesh-2.7z size: 51.866525 MB
CFD-Modeling-SpaceX-Falcon-9-CFX-Case-FetchCFD-File-Coarse-Mesh.7z size: 52.494576 MB
Cfd analysis of spacex falcon 9
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SpaceX built Falcon 9 for transporting humans to the International Space Station . In this project flow simulation of Falcon 9 is presented. Around 4.5 million mesh elements are used in this analysis. For modeling turbulence SST turbulence model is employed. Inlet velocity is 120 m/s. ANSYS Fluent and CFX case files are attached for download. For details about the mesh and 3D model please refer to the 'Refetch of...' this project below. Don't forget to hit the like button 👍 and share it as much as possible. Thanks!!
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