Visualizing co2 concentrations inside a house using cfd
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"The release of CO2 primarily occurs via a screened doorway opening, with red indicating higher concentrations and blue indicating lower concentrations of CO2. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is being increasingly employed to enhance the indoor climate during the planning stages of new construction projects. CFD, which stands for computational fluid dynamics, enables the optimization of airflow and ventilation within buildings. The image used here is adapted from the work of Lorenz von Seidlein, Hannah Wood, Otis Sloan Brittain, Lucy Tusting, Alexa Bednarz, Salum Mshamu, Catherine Kahabuka, Jacqueline Deen, David Bell, Steve W. Lindsay, and Jakob Knudsen, as shown in Figure 3 of their article titled '[Knowledge gaps in the construction of rural healthy homes: A research agenda for improved low-cost housing in hot-humid Africa]' published in the journal [PLOS Medicine]. The source of the image can be found at [Link to the Source:]. The image is licensed under CC BY 4.0 [License Link:]."
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