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Flow simulation of tumbler batmobile with ansys discovery live
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About the Flow Simulation of Tumbler Batmobile with ANSYS Discovery Live Project
Testing (refer to video on the right) ANSYS Discovery Live with real time flow simulation of Tumbler Batmobile. ANSYS Discovery Live (http://www.ansys.com/products/3d-design/ansys-discovery-live) is a new multiple physics simulation tool embeded inside CAD modeling envorinment (SpaceClaim: http://www.ansys.com/products/3d-design/ansys-spaceclaim). By exploiting the power of NVIDIA GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) and CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) parallel computing it provides real-time simulations. GPUs have far more processor cores than CPUs, which means they are massively parallel and the fact that nowadays they can be found in almost all desktops and laptops, makes them highly available as well. For example NVIDIA Geforce GPUs have hundreds or even thousands of cores (depending on the model). Since CPUs and GPUs have significantly different architectures, it suggests that ANSYS Discovery Live is based on a completely different architecture and technique as compared to other ANSYS tools (ANSYS Mechanical, Fluent or CFX). Discovery Live only runs on Windows platform. Discovery Live simulation files are also included for playing/testing purpose. More information on this will follow shortly. Stay tuned... Hardware used for this simulation is Lenovo Y700 notebook with NVIDIA Geforce 960m GPU (640 GPU cores) and Intel i7 CPU (4 cores) with 8GB of ram. Let us know by commenting below about your thoughts on Discovery Live. Original Tumbler Batmobile CAD file by shahid aktar (https://grabcad.com/library/batmobile-with-iges-file-1).
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10 MB Project Size
October 14th, 2017 Uploaded
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